petition – Sam Kekovich for Australian of the Year


4445189090_1765034a49_Sam-kekovich-lambSam Kekovich is an inspiring figure who speaks honestly and assertively. Contrary to the way he is portrayed in left wing media, he is a unifying figure who inspires Australians of every race and creed to love their country, and display our love of country openly. Furthermore, he is a hard working Aussie of migrant background who serves as a powerful example to all who come to our shores for a better life.

It is the Social Justice Warriors of the socialist persuasion who are attempting to divide our country, and this is not helped by second guessing politicians who are beholden to political correctness.

Petition to have Sam Kekovich nominated for Australian of the Year, as he typifies the great qualities our country is built on. We want someone who will call out un-Australian behaviour for what it is, and tell ’em to get stuffed!

Photo by JamesDPhotography