You don’t have to be psychotic and mentally ill to be an Islamic terrorist – but it helps


3338664173_0abe150ccb_PsychoThese people who commit terrorist attacks are by definition mentally ill, bearing ill well, are ill advised, and will kill.

Was it an IS “inspired” attack? Yes. Inspired by the Koran? Yes. Executed by a mentally sick sociopath? Yes.

The real point is, and no one seems to want to name it, but Islam has the potential to give malignant agency to the latent psychosis of its adherents. Its violent jihad is a very compelling outlet for the mentally ill.

This is why it attracts converts and fast tracks them toward a tragic and violent death. This is why it can radicalise “normal” citizens who are Muslims, or not very devout Muslims, and flick a switch, by pointing to a passage in the text, and like discussing the nuances of Nietzsche, “revealing” why this should be interpreted in a radical fashion.

Islamic State is the self confessed champion of violent Islamic psychosis.

You cannot reason with the unreasonable. What we need is to sedate and negate the troubled minds of Islam. We need to treat Islam like bi-polar disorder mixed with paranoid schizophrenia, abundant ADHD and sexual issues galore.

Photo by Paolo Camera