PJTV on Star Wars [No Spoilers]


This article and video contains no spoilers.

On Friday, I discussed how the Star Wars saga resonates with so many of us because it openly presents a contest between good and evil, gets us to barrack for the good guy, and the good guy wins. In this regard it shares the same moral clarity which war movies produced in the past used to possess, and reminds us of a time when the this moral clarity was more dominant in the West.

In this video, the always excellent PJTV Trifecta crew discuss this idea, and explore another ancient trope which is found in Star Wars – a seemingly ordinary, youthful farmboy, who possesses noble blood and spiritual strength, is moulded by a wise wizard, and a rogish, fully matured man, to become a hero.

The concepts Star Wars explore are primal, archetypal, and they touch on ideas which are innate to us all.