Paris Climate Conference a “Failure” (And That’s the Good News!)


While delegates and media outlets have heralded the Paris Climate Conference as a great success for striking an “historic deal”, the Institute of Public Affairs’ James Paterson has (with a sigh of relief) named the Paris Climate conference a “failure.”

Paterson states:

“It’s not historic at all… the truth is there is no legally binding mechanism to enforce the pledges that countries have made… and the pledges that countries have made are going nowhere near what the climate activists say we need to keep the world to no more than 2 degrees warmer than pre-industrial levels… if all the promises made are actually met, we’ll achieve about 1 percent of the greenhouse gas emissions reductions needed to hold the world to 2 degrees and it’s not even legally enforceable or binding.

From my point of view this is a good thing. A legally enforceable agreement would be bad for Australia and bad for poor people in the developing world…” Video below:

So there we have it. Forty thousand environmentalists and delegates traveled to Paris, in the process burning fossil fuels and emitting tonnes of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere in order to achieve nothing but to give themselves a pat on the back for caring about ‘saving the planet’?

I agree with James Paterson that a legally binding agreement from the conference would have been disastrous for Australia and for the developing world. What’s more it seems that this “climate emergency” we have all been warned about has simply been an opportunity for environmentalists and politicians to celebrate their apparent high moral virtues and concern for the planet while burning fossil fuels on an international junket. Haven’t these people heard of Skype?