Turkish Soccer Fans “Boo” and Chant “Allah Akbar” During Moment of Silence for Paris Victims


Turkish soccer fans have been “accused” of booing and chanting “Allah Akbar” during a minute’s silence which was held for the victims of the Paris attack in a friendly match between Greece and Turkey.

The boos and chanting of slogans totally drown out the minute’s silence which you can hear in the video below.

In condemning the terrorist attacks in Paris, several world leaders have spoken of “universal” human values, said to be held by all people. Values such as peace, compassion and acceptance are purported to be values held by all humanity. Yet the evidence shows that this is a pure fantasy. Those such as the Turkish soccer fans, and others show by their their words and actions, that they do not agree with the supposed “universal” values which are espoused.

There are no ‘universal’ humanistic values. Humanistic values are European values. They arose out of a particular place and culture. Values such as freedom of religion, freedom of speech, democracy and human rights are values that come from a specific place: Europe, and a specific culture which has its foundation in the Judeo-Christian tradition, the Enlightenment and Hellenic philosophy.

It is precisely these incorrectly labeled ‘universal’ (Western) values that the Turkish soccer fans, ISIS and Islamists hate. And it is high time that we in the West stop deluding ourselves and wake up to this fact.

Photo by astique