Muslims to Teach Christianity in Islamic Schools


The Catholic Church has been criticised for omitting Islam from its religious education school curriculum where it teaches Christianity alongside Judaism.

Criticism of the Church’s decision has been particularly strong from Islamic leaders.

Sir Iqbal Sacranie, the former secretary general of the Muslim Council of Britain, urged the British Catholic Archbishop, Cardinal Vincent Nichols to rethink the omission.

Sir Iqbal said: “This is not a good decision. It does not reflect well on the messages that are coming out from the Church for greater tolerance of other faiths.”

“This is a difficult time for religions and the last thing you would expect is a major faith making such a statement.”

Senior Islamic educators have responded to the Catholic Church’s decision by announcing that they will lead by example in order to bring about greater religious tolerance in Britain. This will include teaching Christianity, as well as affirming that other religions and philosophical perspectives are legitimate.

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Photo by nevil zaveri ( away 🙂