Well dear reader, I am afraid to say that your XYZ has just been outdone in the satire stakes.
Uthman Badar, the spokesman for Hizb ut-Tahrir, an organisation which has been banned in several countries, delivered a comedy performance worthy of a Barry Award, which he gave at the rather humourously named gathering Innocent until proven Muslim, held in Sydney today.

The Age has also assisted in broadening Uthman’s audience beyond the Islamic community by publishing an article he penned in what can only be described as black comedy. Uthman’s piece, the Muslim bogeyman is a tool for the cheap politics of fear is sure to give you plenty of laughs, as it did for me.
Going by his article, I sincerely believe that Uthman could take Innocent until proven Muslim on the comedy circuit. A kind of Muslim Eddy Murphy, if you will. I can just see Uthman, taking his particular brand of dark comedy to the bars around Australia – although, many bars are probably not (yet?) ‘halal certified’. Oh well, never mind. There will still be plenty of scope, and packed audiences to laugh hysterically at his routine.
To open his show, the false pretense of Islamic victim-hood would be a sidesplitting place to begin. The scallywag way that Islamists project their own violence and evil onto others whilst claiming to be the victims themselves has to be one of the biggest jokes ever played on the world. It is an enduring joke, indeed a golden oldie that has been around since Mohammed gazed lustfully across the sand at Meccan merchant caravans.
The ‘moral’ justification of female genital mutilation, and the stoning of women who have been raped is sure to bring a few wry laughs.
Then of course, there is the Religion of Peace’s relentless attack and bombardment of Europe which continued for a millennia, and is now back in full swing.
And who could forget the punchy one liner that’s sure to have you laughing in disbelief submission – “You make fun of Mohammed, I kill you like Charlie Hebdo!”
The Islamic endorsement of slavery has a long and humourous tradition, and is currently enjoyed by not only Islamic State ruffians, but by their well respected oil sheiks of the rich Gulf states. Those Christian and Yazidi girls, are always up for a good sex-slavery giggle!
And then, for Uthman Badar’s You’ve-got-to-see-it-to-believe-it pièce de résistance, is what I like to refer to as, the ‘Hotel California’ of Islam. As Don Henley croons:
“You can check out anytime you want, but you can never leave.”
That’s right, the last laugh is that you can’t leave Islam! Islamic societies are so wonderful that Muslim nations around the world have actually made it illegal for Muslims to leave Islam. Well, other than through death and persecution. But we won’t count that little exception, shall we?
Well now, after all of these laughs, I feel I need to finish on a serious note. Uthman is right about the idea of a Muslim bogeyman being a cheap political tool. There is no Muslim bogeyman. There’s just Islam.
Photo by Hlkolaya