Push to take away people’s vote on same-sex marriage

Twin Cities Pride Parade

Pressure has been mounting on Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull to hasten the push for same-sex marriage legislation. Turnbull, who is himself a supporter of same-sex marriage rejected criticism from the Labor Party last week that he had “sold out” on gay marriage by maintaining the government’s stance on a popular vote.

Prime Minister Turnbull responded last week in question time saying:

“There is no greater virtue in a free vote here or a plebiscite, they are each means of resolving the matter,” he said. “One, I grant you, is more expensive, but nonetheless it is a very legitimate and democratic way of dealing with it.”

I wholeheartedly agree with the PM. A plebiscite will give every voting Australian a say on this important social issue. Same-sex marriage, should it go through will bring considerable change to our social and political life, as well as in areas such as education. Surely greater democracy and the opportunity for ordinary Auimagestralians to cast their vote is a good thing?

Still, why are same-sex marriage activists so intent on keeping the decision regarding this important issue before politicians and out of the hands of the common folk? As activists have been claiming for the last few months that 70-80 per cent of Australians are in favour of same-sex marriage, therefore, surely they are confident the plebiscite will be a shoe in for them?

So what are they afraid of? If gay marriage activists and their supporters sincerely believe in such a groundswell of approval for gay marriage, wouldn’t it be better for the people of Australia to voice their support for it in a decisive vote, rather than withholding it from them?

Or do gay marriage activists doubt the accuracy of the figures that they continue to quote, sensing that the true level of those in favour of same-sex marriage in Australia is considerably less than they purport?