Green dreams


I’ve seen a few green hypocrites in my time, but this one is truly breathtaking.

Have a listen to this self righteous blowhard lecturing on political donations:

“Greens spokesperson Andrew Bartlett said large corporate donations are a cancer on democracy and it is blindly obvious to the general public that these donations are often made with the aim of buying favour” (link here).

And now check out this report from 2011:

“The Greens say securing the largest single private donation ever made to a political party in Australia helped bankroll a major ad382843-a5e49a24-5981-11e4-bb41-d2d878d2a380vertising campaign in the lead-up to the last election… The Greens have confirmed they received $1.6 million from the founder of the Wotif online travel website, Graeme Wood, before the federal election” (link here).

Now look up “hypocrite” in a dictionary – you should find there a reference to the Australian Greens.

Shameless and self righteous barely says it. Behold the rolled gold hypocrisy of the Greens, and marvel, if you will, how and why sentinel beings with a pulse and presumably a brain actually vote for these morons.