XYZ Scoops Australian and Herald Sun on Yes Campaign links to Socialist Alternative


Yesterday on September 8, 2017, The XYZ published an article by Luca Rosas entitled Left wing extremists attack churchgoers, media blames both sides. Remember that headline. Rosas saw a gaping hole in the media’s reporting of the incident, a chasm in the story of the “protester” the media spoke to, and revealed information about the “protester”:

“During the coverage by Channel 9’s Today program, a strikingly handsome woman going by the name Jessica Payne claimed to have been injured by the nasty parishioners who flagrantly attempted to drive their cars on the road.

“I suffered an injury because people drove their cars nearly at full speed into the yes campaigners here today…It was extremely scary, extremely irresponsible, and police actually tried to help the people in the cars get through the crowd of protesters.”

“Imagine that, police trying to stop people from illegally blocking the road. Those utter fascists.

“Jessica seemed rather well for someone who had been injured by a car travelling at “full speed”. But before doubting her story I decided to do some basic research, an action yet again apparently beyond the capability of the entirety of the Australian fourth estate.

Jessica Payne, hardcore marxist. From Facebook

“It turns out that Jessica is the Brisbane co-convener of Equal Love, a group that has provoked criticism from more mainstream Gay activist organisations for assaulting police, carrying a banner of Tony Abbott being hanged to death and attacking a different church meeting in Melbourne being attended by Australian tennis legend Margaret Court…

“Imagine my surprise when Jessica Payne turned out to be a long-time activist for Socialist Alternative, the largest most violent and most radical left wing extremist group in Australia today.”

Today, on September 9, 2017, members of the fourth estate have caught up. Mark Schliebs and Greg Brown from the Australian:

“It had all the drama that could lead morning news bulletins, with same-sex marriage advocates claiming to be injured and traumatised by Australian Christian Lobby No campaigners who they accused of driving into them as they protested outside a Brisbane church.

“As news of the ugly clash on Thursday night spread, sparking a call for calm and respectful debate from Malcolm Turnbull, police, witnesses and attendees began to air their bewilderment at the protesters’ version of events.

“Queensland police said they monitored the protest — organised by the National Union of Students and partly led by Socialist Alternative members — and there was no record of any cars hurtling towards protesters, nor any other assault or injury.

“One witness had seen a driver blocked by protesters from getting into a carpark, but police helped make a path through the crowd. Footage showed the same…

“Yet for much of yesterday, the protest and allegations were across the media and fed fears that the marriage debate was turning violent. It began after one of the protesters, former Socialist Alternative spokesman Jessica Payne, claimed on national television that she had been injured “because people drove their cars nearly at full speed into the Yes campaigners here”.

Countering the media narrative which had run for a day, and pointing out the Socialist Alternative connection. Nice to see you boys catch up. Also, it’s nice to see Greg Brown change his tune. From yesterday, September 8, 2017:

“Malcolm Turnbull has called for a respectful debate in the postal survey following a violent clash between Yes and No campaigners outside a Brisbane church last night.

“The Prime Minister called on both sides to show respect for each other as the two month campaign starts in earnest following the High Court’s decision to allow it to proceed.

“I encourage all Australians to engage in this debate, as we do in all debates, respectfully,” Mr Turnbull said in Samoa today.”

Although Greg did report…

“The Coalition For Marriage released a statement saying Queensland Police had told them this was a lie.

“Reports that cars drove nearly at full speed into activists outside a Brisbane church on Thursday evening were utterly false,” the statement said.

“A representative from Queensland Police confirmed to a representative of the Coalition for Marriage that the young woman alleging she was injured following a car driving into the crowd had fallen over and, refusing medical assistance, chose to speak with reporters instead.”

…He did refer to the incident as a “stoush”.

Based Andrew Bolt, who can be seen here BTFO of two communists half his age, has done a tremendous job pointing out the hypocrisy and violence of the left for many years, and he has focused heavily on the bullying tactics of the Yes campaign. He has also published an article today, echoing The XYZ’s contradiction of the MSM narrative of the event, and he has been spurred on by Rosas’s reporting to do his own research into Socialist Alternative’s Jessica Payne.

We here at The XYZ are most grateful, however, that a year after his tremendous boost to our site, he has signalled that he still follows our work closely. Remember that headline:

The media blamed both sides for a clash caused in fact by gay-marriage activists blockading an Australian Christian Lobby meeting in a church. Now the truth is out, exposing the true bullying of the activists.”

It’s your XYZ.

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