The Donald Effect


The Rebbe

Don is alpha. He’s tall, his teeth are white, he says what he wants, he’s rich, he has a sexy wife (a trophy if we’re honest), he’s got an awesome family; he’s tall, attractive, well-spoken etc. His running mate is also tall, relatively good looking with a good head of hair.

Trump is a winner – he’s got an aeroplane with his name on it, and a gold tower in Las Vegas. His own penthouse looks like Saddam Hussein’s or Gaddafi’s palace, not very tasteful but very boss. You can say a lot about the Donald, but you can’t say he’s a loser. Coming onto the stage on day one of the convention, silhouetted, with the music of Queen in the background: that was cool.

Trump isn’t the most articulate, he’s not the smartest, and perhaps he doesn’t have a great grasp of how the world works. But he has the same concerns as real people – not the elites, not the bankers, not the globalists; he has the policies that real, hard yakka, salt-of-the-earth Americans have.

Donald J. Trump IS the embodiment of everything America can be and should be; he is a winner and he is going to win this election.

This article was originally published July 22, 2016.

Photo by Gage Skidmore