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Tag: World Cup

Football: A Totem of Class and Ethnic Identity

From Patriotic Alternative. Ethan Robert It was not that I cared for the World Cup, nor for the most part, football in general.  Whether I appeased...

Afghans flock to Adelaide Oval for T20: Nearly beat Australia

Wake me up when the Test Matches start. Australia only just beat Afghanistan in a T20 World Cup group match in Adelaide yesterday. We were...

Why Did Australia Fail So Miserably at the Rugby World Cup

The 2019 Rugby World Cup is over, South Africa won but Australia failed miserably and there could be an obvious explanation as to why...

Pakistan beat Pakistan at World Cup

An English side that was refreshingly 9/11ths British lost last night in a World Cup upset to Pakistan. The hit & giggle fake version of...

Thought for the Day: Thank God for evil missionaries

Last night in the Rugby League World Cup Semi Final, the Kangaroos thumped Fiji 54-6. At the end, after they all swapped jumpers, the...