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Jewish Media Figures Celebrate White Decline in Latest Census

From National Justice Party. By Mike Peinovich According to the 2020 census figures released by the US government, Whites in America have declined in their percentage...

How Saudi Arabia views the murder of Jamal Khashoggi

Originally published November 3, 2018. This month marks one year since Jamal Khashoggi was murdered. It is worth reviewing the case. On the 2nd of...

Everybody loves a good story

Different Week, Same Old Story Everybody loves a good story. Listen to any good author explain their process, and in between the idiosyncrasies, copious cigarettes...

The Left’s Spinning More Bollocks

It seems that today, even the issue of keeping fit is not immune to the Left’s assault on basic freedoms, with the Washington Post...

Roy Moore and the Future of Your Integrity

Micaiah In the event that I one day need to deal with a potential father-in-law, one of the ways in which I will probably make...

Gulf States looking the other way

Western media are now at last beginning to notice that the oil rich Gulf states of the Middle East are studiously looking the other...