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Tag: Victorian government

WorkSafe Charges Victorian Government Over HOTEL QUARANTINE FIASCO

It actually happened. It wasn’t a conspiracy. XYZ News encouraged speculation on this back when we explored the possibility that Daniel Andrews didn’t simply fall down...

Melbourne Traditionalists Ep 4: Feminists hate pretty women

This episode was recorded a couple of Thursdays ago, we'll get it back on track for the next one. We discussed the current year clownworld...

XYZ Live #77 – Daniel Andrews Betrays Australia and Pushes LGBTQIP+...

In 2014 a series of protests made it clear to the Victorian anti-white establishment that a strong proportion of people both in Bendigo and...

Morrison Government CAVES on Milo Yiannopoulos Visa!

The Scott Morrison Government has caved to grassroots conservative pressure and approved Milo Yiannopoulos’ visa for his Australia tour. This is good news but it...

Milo banned from Australia

Australian democracy is dead. But hey, democracy is a giant con anyway. From the Australian: Far-right provocateur Milo Yian­nopoulos is set to be banned from entering...

Axiomatic Events Refuse To Pay $68,000 Extortion Money To Communist Victorian...

Taxation is theft, and charging people money for a service that their taxes are supposed to pay for is double theft. If there is...

Not a fan of the Victorian Government’s “Sky Rail”?

Had enough of a government which is intent on indoctrinating school children into neo-Marxist gender and sexual theory, as well as paying companies $1...

The Curse of Daniel Andrews

By R.H.G. Coming into the 2014 Victorian State Election, many perceived the election as a choice between a Liberal State Government which had done little...

If you don’t think you voted for ‘Skyrail’, chances are you...

By ElvenPegasister Why are people around the Melbourne suburb of Clayton complaining about Skyrail? I see lots of people with stickers proclaiming, "I didn't vote...

Communist Ward reveals true colours – gets fired

In these last days of Western civilisation, when the public apology made by a hapless individual for transgressing the always shifting social rules determined...