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Tag: Vaccine carnage

Slowly erasing the false narrative

Mark Oshinskie Early in my legal career, I handled many one-day trials. Late one afternoon, I returned to my office. Still wearing my suit and...

Kerryn Phelps Injured By Vax: Claims Doctors Censored

What a crazy, extreme right conspiracy theorist. She’s probably the kind of person who will ambush innocent police officers and murder them in cold...

38 year old Sydney chef dies of Died Suddenly

2022 is really scary. People are literally spontaneously combusting because of the weather. Died Suddenly is spreading like wildfire. People just won’t stop eating bats...

VACCINE CARNAGE: Justine Bieber’s face paralysed

Justin Bieber has suffered a vaccine injury, revealing he is paralysed down the right hand side of his face: Singer Justin Bieber has revealed he...