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Tag: Unions

Wasting our Luck

The use of the term 'lucky country' to describe Australia, was first coined by Donald Horne in 1964, and far from the compliment it...

CRINGE Pro-Vax Union Propaganda

Today I'm out and I stop by the shops and what do I find. Pro-Vax means that they aren't Pro-Choice. Pro-Union means that they support the...


Unions have let down the worker long ago, having departed from the working-class traditional family values they supposedly once represented, in favour of globalist,...

Holden is gone

Hey look on the bright side. You can now get a half decent coffee pretty much anywhere in Melbourne. From the Australian: Australia’s costly love affair...

Full Employment – A History

Mark Moncrieff Between 1945 and 1975 in most of the Western world there existed a policy of full employment. What that exactly meant was different...

PLEASE don’t vote for Premier Daniel Andrews!

The 2018 Victorian election is nearly here and we need to discuss Premier Daniel Andrews, easily the worst Premier in living memory. There are so...

Good Scott Bad Scott Morrison – Best of Matty Rose Live

On Monday night's XYZ Livestream we introduced the segment "Good Scott Bad Scott". The premise is that Scott Morrison appears conservative on some policies...

The Real Reason Australian Wages are NOT Growing

Originally published June 2, 2018. Sally the Socialist is running around telling everyone wages aren’t rising due to business greed, but is this actually true? Wages...

The Politics of Dumb intentions

I don’t spend a lot of time thinking about New Zealand if I’m honest. To me it’s just a loose amalgamation of Air New...

Dave Uren thinks Mass-Immigration is good for Australia and the economy

Matty's Modern Life counters the arguments made in an article in the Australian by David Uren in favour of continued mass migration to Australia. Matty...