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Tag: Trotskyist

China 1949-76 – Melbourne Traditionalists Podcast – Episode Thirty Eight

Now is a good time to refresh our Chinese history. Mark Moncrieff runs through the disasters (perhaps a hundred million dead) unleashed on China by...

Infiltration: A story of communism and socialism on campus

David From the Trotskyists of the Socialist Alternative and the Greens, to the Stalinists of the various communist societies and clubs such as the Adelaide...

Socialist Alternative: The Story of an Extremist Cult – part 1

Originally published March 17, 2018. If you’ve been on a university campus in the last five years, you won’t have been able to ignore them. If...

The long, slow death of the Australian refugee movement

It’s difficult for people who aren’t inveterate watchers of the extreme Left to understand how important the Refugee movement has been to them, and...

So, just how extremist are the Greens?

Recently Greens federal MP Adam Bandt called Liberal Senator Jim Molan a coward. That would be the same Adam Bandt who spent his pre-political life...