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Tag: transgender child

England: 6 year old boy labelled TRANSPHOBIC

This headline is real. You can understand why many, rightly or wrongly, view Putin as a potential liberator from the scourge of (((Western))) values: Primary school...

No End to the Gender Agenda

Overnight I learned via that the Western Australian Law Reform Commission has produced a Discussion Paper that examines existing WA state legislation concerning...

Casualties of the Culture War

It struck me recently that there’s a strange war going on these days, a secret war. It’s unobtrusive, tends to be fought parallel to...

It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World – PART 5: Transgender...

You can read Part 1 of this series here, Part 2 here, Part 3 here, and Part 4 here. Sam Vimes I wrote in Part 4...

The cross-dressing lunatics are running the asylum

Prominent Australian transvestite lunatic and former army officer before he developed a serious case of womb envy Malcolm “Cate” McGregor has publicly ditched his...

Transgender Hormone Replacement for Kids

Hormone blockers are being given to children with gender dysphoria to delay the onset of puberty. MattysModernLife tells us what he really thinks on...

Quote of the Day: Jesus is a Man

The XYZ's Quote of the Day isn't always something which we consider, as the youth of today are want to say, based, but from...

The Disturbing “Gender Transition” of a 4-Year-Old Child

By ElvenPegasister with Elizabeth Couchwoman So, a four-year-old child is going to begin 'gender transitioning' before their first day of preschool. Before we can seriously consider...