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Tag: Telford


Sunday, 6th May, saw an important event held in London that next to no major media outlets covered, leastwise the major state broadcaster BBC....

R.I.P. Alfie Evans: R.I.P. Great Britain

In Great Britain, if you are raped by a brown person the establishment don't care. In Great Britain, if you own a bike wheel...

The Lame Scotland Police

Scotland is the land that produced William Wallace, a man who fought for the freedom of his nation from the English. Robert the Bruce,...

The UK Edges Closer to Totalitarianism

In what will no doubt go down as a landmark judgement by the UK courts, YouTuber and self-confessed “shit-poster” Count Dankula aka Mark Meechan...

I Slam, You Slam, We all Slam Islam (or The Disgrace...

Facetious title aside, today’s piece is a corollary to last week’s commentary on the detention and deportation of Brittany Pettibone and Martin Sellner, born...