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The Next Technology Revolution is Here

Now for something completely different. In the attached video you will see that the next revolution is here, and will be led by technology....

Gladys Berejiklian Goes Blank on Disruptive Tech

Introducing XYZ's newest contributor, Dean Hamstead As a teenager, I envied others with large music collections. A friend of mine had a CD carousel holding...

“Humans need not apply”

A few weeks ago I wrote a piece entitled time to embrace the new economy. I observed that "Despite the current pessimistic economic outlook around...

Time to embrace the new economy

Much angst has arisen from traditional taxi services around the world with the recent emergence of the 'ride-share' scheme, UberX. Uber was founded in...

When science and politics diverge

Last night, we were treated to a remarkably interesting episode of the ABC's Q&A. Regardless of whether or not the science episode is part of the...