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Tag: Sudanese

Discussing Australian Nationalism with Jean-Francois Gariépy (JFG)

Matty's Modern Life recently went on JFG’s (Jean-Francois Gariépy) live show to discuss Nationalism in Australia and other topics. They covered: The state of the...

The Sudanese belong in Sudan

Melbourne’s diversity inspired Sudanese crime wave continues unabated, but now we learn that the fault for the vicious crimes being perpetrated by scores of...

Quote of the Day: Deport Malcolm Turnbull

Lucas Rosas has done his usual excellent job exposing the communists behind the latest far-left abomination in Melbourne. It's a good chance to drag...

Sudanese Gangs – “Apart from race, they’re Australian.”

Thomas Crown Since thuggish gangs of Sudanese teenagers have terrorised neighbourhoods, smashed up cars, ruined private property, assaulted police officers, and caused general havoc, violence...

Quote of the Day: Send all the Sudanese to Melbourne

Quote of the Day comes from the same thread we mentioned yesterday. XYZ readers have given us a goldmine of ideas on how to...