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Tag: speech suppression

A “No” To SSM Is a “Yes” to Freedom, Not a...

Treating the slippery slope argument in the SSM debate as if it were a fallacy is to commit a fallacy. It’s ridiculous to discount the...

Sam Newman declares he loves Big Brother, offers to round up...

In a Channel 9 studio ringed by heavily armed Antifa members, Sam Newman has declared that he loves Big Brother. He also made the...

The future of Google

Editor: In part 2 of MattysModernLife's discussion with David Hiscox, the gentlemen discuss two interesting questions regarding the future of Google: Will enough people,...

Quote of the Day: 18C on steroids

Today, legislation designed to protect against so-called "hate speech" in the lead-up to the postal survey on same-sex marriage passed the Senate, thanks to...

Free Speech, Google Censorship and Patreon

Editor: MattysModernLife interviews David Hiscox from The XYZ. In this first segment, they discuss the newly launched XYZ Patreon, the fact that Google is...

The left know they’re losing this battle: But they are winning...

Their ABC have run an article today raising concern that the No campaign may actually succeed in the campaign against gay marriage. Remember when...

Left Bans Father’s Day

From an anonymous contributor It seems that a Father's Day commercial was pulled due to it being too 'political'. The advertisement by Dads4Kids made no...

Wang Show: Good Bye Mrs Triggs

The Wang Show has gained unprecedented access to Ms Jilly Triggs in order to pay tribute to her magnificent efforts to stifle free speech...

Free speech hypocrisy by internet giants invites more government regulation of...

Black Pigeon Speaks is a fearless commentator at the best of times. At the worst of times, he is a shining beacon. Very few...

Boycott Google Now: End the Monopoly

Yes, you read that right it is time to boycott the world’s largest tech company, and we all need to do it right away. The...