Home Tags Sexualisation of children

Tag: sexualisation of children

Jewish Intellectuals Call On Gays To Perform Sex Acts In Front...

From National Justice. Leading "LGBT" intellectuals are responding to public demands that they stop performing public sex acts in front of small children at "Pride" parades by...

Gay marriage – it was always about the children

An old conservative curmudgeon who lives in a small, rural town in South East Nebraska has a detailed article examining the impact of the...

MSM and SJW’s murder conservative activist

A young man named Wilson Gavin who led a protest against a so-called "drag queen story hour" in Brisbane a couple of days ago...

The Disappearance of Childhood

I have recently finished reading a very engaging, and prophetic book – 'the Disappearance of Childhood' by cultural critic and media theorist, Neil Postman. First...