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Tag: San Bernardino shooting

American Muslims Experience “Intense Backlash”

Reading the Washington Post one could be forgiven for drawing the conclusion that Muslims living in the United States were the actual victims of...

Deadliest Attack on American Soil Since 9/11

The San Bernardino shooting is shaping up to the most deadly terrorist attack to take place on American soil since September 11, 2001,  although...

Another Senseless Shooting With No Known Motive

FBI officials have revealed that the wife of the San Bernardino gunman had "pledged allegiance" to ISIS in a Facebook post under an assumed...

The Dangers of Workplace Violence – Quote of the Day

A day after the mass shooting in San Bernardino, California, President Barack Obama has come out with this rather thoughtful and cautious statement: 'It could...

Jihad Against the Disabled

Fourteen people have been confirmed dead and another dozen or so seriously injured after three gunmen attacked a disability centre in San Bernardino, California. Two...