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Tag: same-sex marriage

The Greens and their straight friends feel queer over SSM

As the debate rages over same-sex marriage, the XYZ has been leaked sensitive documents from Labor and the Greens which reveal an alarming betrayal...

Gay news: Penny Wong, ‘despicable senator’

Gay website expresses its outrage over same sex marriage debate in Australia, but look who they were slamming as "despicable" just a few years...

Political turn-coats come out of the closet over same-sex marriage

I find the movement for same-sex marriage quite an intriguing one. In my undergraduate days in the mid to late 1990s, like my co-editor David...

Pride, prejudice, and missed opportunities

What were we saying yesterday?  Labor blew their chance. Your XYZ.

Most Aussies don’t care about same-sex marriage

The Liberal Party, under Tony Abbott, has made a very savvy political decision today, and an appropriate decision for Australia, in delaying a plebiscite...

Left at the altar

The Sydney Morning Herald, in its usual shrill tone reported from today's march for same-sex marriage: 'Malcolm McPherson is fed up with being left standing...

Waleed Aly: Fact or fiction?

Yesterday, the cartoonist and author, Paul Zanetti penned a rather interesting piece concerning media darling and host of Channel 10's the Project,  Waleed Aly,...

Exhibit ‘A’

In a strong reaction to a speech by government leader in the Senate, Senator Eric Abetz, the two young children of a same sex...

Libs gay conscience vote: Greens ask, What is a ‘conscience’?

Pressure continues to mount on Prime Minister Tony Abbott to allow Liberal Party members a conscience vote on a soon to be tabled, same-sex...

Well frankly, I find that offensive

If you happen to express an opinion which reflects the current state of Australian law, you run the risk of having your view dismissed...