Home Tags Same-sex marriage plebiscite

Tag: same-sex marriage plebiscite

Voice Campaign Cracking: Call to DELAY REFERENDUM

With the “yes” campaign tanking, federal opposition leader Peter Dutton in June called for the “voice” referendum to be delayed. Today, an official support...

The TRUE Fake Marriage Agenda Exposed

This video is discussing the Gay Marriage vote and what’s happened in Australia as a direct result of it. The YES side harassed and bullied...

Queensland Communists to hold show trials of opponents of gay marriage

Dictators love elections and free speech. It does the secret police's job for them when political dissidents, thinking they are protected by such arcane...

Israel Folau, Gay Marriage, Bullying of Christians and Free Speech in...

In the lead up to the fake marriage plebiscite, the Yes campaign made three lies which were absolute whoppers: Gay couples are the same...

Wang Show 0015: Rooto

The same-sex marriage postal survey has come and gone, and we now live in the brave new world of fake marriage. (The Wang Show's Vic...

A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World – PART 1

Sam Vimes What am I about to read, you may ask? Good question. I’m editing and reverse engineering this as I go, so I’m not...

To Everything There is a Season: Deifying our Neighbour Isn’t One...

Not including those who spewed out vitriol, abuse, intimidation and violence, congratulations to the Yes supporters. Australia has voted. 7.81 million (61.6%) said Yes...

Australia Votes for State-Sanctioned Sodomy

The results of the Australian gay marriage survey are in and the Yes vote won with just over 61% of the adult population who...

Free Speech already under attack by Faifax Media after Gay Marriage...

Mark Kenny is a far-left ideologue who hates free speech. MattysModernLife takes him to task for calling a bill designed to protect free speech...

Quote of the Day: Terrorism Works

Quote of the Day comes courtesy of The XYZ's Ryan Fletcher: Australia, when faced with a democratic vote, decided to support those who fire-bombed the...