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Tag: Muslim

Muslim Centrefold Breaks Internet

A female Muslim entrepreneur has recently featured in a Playboy article, in which she was interviewed about her goal of becoming a news anchor,...

Muslims Need Only Apply

By Ezra Christensen One is often led to assume that non-discrimination is one of the sacrosanct values of civilisation and life in the modern West....

Thought for the Day: Media will avoid linking Orlando to Islam

Just like the media was at pains not to link refugees with the Cologne New Years Eve sexual crimes, so too do we predict...

Scotland arrests man for expressing opinion

Well, it has happened. A man in Scotland has been arrested for saying the wrong thing about muslim refugees from Syria on Facebook. It...

Say It With A Picture: Be careful what you wish, Michael.

Before Christmas, a certain obese man made Quote of the Day, and narrowly missed being awarded The XYZ Wally of the Week.  Said fat...

Michael Moore-ish: “Rich Old White Guy With a Sign” Quote of...

Today's XYZ quote of the day goes to New's columnist Tim Blair. Blair's comments come following activist Michael Moore's 'hash-sign' and media stunt, where he...

XYZ Viewer Poll: Muslim victims of the Koran

Following on from several articles The XYZ has published this week, we want to know how you view the Koran, Islam, and Muslims. Is it...

Straight to the Point: New anti-radicalisation initiative suggested

In the light of the Paris attacks, and the series of speeches made by earnest politicians and self righteous media commentators about the need...

Muslims should not be forced to take welfare payments

Muslims should not be forced to sing the national anthem, the Victorian Islamic Council has said today. Ghaith Krayem, the former head of the association said...

Australian Muslim community accepts responsibility for murder by white Swedish Nazi

In a dramatic turn of events, the Australian Muslim community has accepted responsibility for yesterday's murder in Sweden of a teacher and a student...