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Tag: House prices

XYZ Live #36 – “Aborigine Day” with ScoMo, the Australian Housing...

Topics covered: Scott Morrison's proposal for a day to celebrate Aboriginal culture as an alternative to changing the date of Australia Day. Is Australia's...

The actual inconvenient truth: The economy is a lie

Harry Hardrada Australians all let us rejoice, for we will never be mortgage free! We sold our soil and children for toil Our homes sold to Mr...

The hilarious Leftist assault on Abbott’s immigration plan

Generally, the response from the right to Tony Abbott’s speech calling for a modest reduction in the immigration intake was unhinged. You had a...

Why did the Liberals smash Abbott on immigration cuts?

On Tuesday night Tony Abbott made a speech to the Sydney institute in which he modestly proposed reducing the net immigration intake back to...

Tony Abbott and mystery of the Immigration situation

On Tuesday night Tony Abbott decided to make a speech to the Sydney Institute calling for a reduction in Australia’s immigration levels. He went on...

The Australian property bubble – you don’t save money by spending...

Earlier this year I was interviewed on the Dingoes podcast where I had a somewhat tumultuous exchange with the main host. We disagreed over...

The Australian economy and the housing boom: Winning

Colour me pink - I agree with Labor on something - and the Greens last week. I hate politics, and I hate the two party...

Dire Straights: Money for Nothing

You have just got to love rising housing prices. Governments get vast revenues that shore up budgets, banks make slim margins on rapidly increasing...