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Tag: gender

Are Words Magical?

The Z Man has written about this as have I at various times, but it's a point that I thought should be highlighted again....

No End to the Gender Agenda

Overnight I learned via that the Western Australian Law Reform Commission has produced a Discussion Paper that examines existing WA state legislation concerning...

Representation of gender in texts

Editor: This article was originally published 2/11/2017. Steve B, when he isn't contemplating the intricacies of identity politics as The XYZ's resident poet, is...

Head in the sand

Sam Vimes Is it better to bury one’s head in the sand and be happy, or to keep one’s eyes open to the insanity around...

It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World PART 4: Destroying Sex...

Sam Vimes (You can read part 1 of this series here, part 2 here and part 3 here.) This is when I get serious. Feminism is...

Banned on Facebook for saying there are only two genders

Editor: We all know that Facebook are evil. Well, Facebook are also stupid. MattysModernLife has been handed a one month suspension from Facebook for...

Thought for the Day: International Women’s Day Regression

Last week was crazy, what with International Women's Day and everything. It was as though everyone had stepped back three years into the past,...

An Introduction to Jordan Peterson

I've been of the opinion for some time that university/college academia is a lost cause, selling Cultural Marxist groupthink rather than unadulterated education. I'm...

Gender varieties so numerous, can be seen from space

A new scientific study has confirmed that the current number of known varieties of gender, 365,000 in all, are so numerous, that if they...

When Stating the Facts Gets You Branded as a “Bigot”

Today's Quote of the Day comes to us from the incisive British social commentator, Brendan O'Neill. O'Neill writes: "If you live in a society in which...