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Tag: far-left

Kristina Keneally vs The World

Kristina Keneally is a federal MP in the Australian Labor Party and has made a name for herself by calling everyone she doesn’t like...

Milo banned from Australia

Australian democracy is dead. But hey, democracy is a giant con anyway. From the Australian: Far-right provocateur Milo Yian­nopoulos is set to be banned from entering...

Labour Theory of Value DEBUNKED by the Subjective Theory of Value

The Labour Theory of Value serves as the base for all far-Left, Marxist, economic belief; however it is completely debunked by the Subjective Theory...

Breaking: Jair Bolsonaro elected President of Brazil

The globalist stranglehold on the levers of power throughout the world has been eased just a little bit more today, with the election of...

Quote of the Day: The Far Left Gets Played in Charlottesville

One year after the 2017 Charlottesville rally which the MSM, governments and the tech giants used as a pretext to push the so-called "far"...

It costs $68,000 to speak openly against the left in Melbourne

There is no such thing as free speech. For starters, free speech requires a government committed to protecting it, and that government to own...

Why we should celebrate the legacy of Reclaim Australia

Two years ago on the Easter long weekend thousands of ordinary Australians took to the streets to give those who love our country a...

Free Speech already under attack by Faifax Media after Gay Marriage...

Mark Kenny is a far-left ideologue who hates free speech. MattysModernLife takes him to task for calling a bill designed to protect free speech...

More Melbourne media mendacity over Leftist extremists

My God there’s going to be political violence on the streets of Melbourne! On Tuesday, Australian Associated Press writer Benita Kolovos reported in a breathless...

Melbourne: Far-left activists hurl obscenities at peaceful right-wing protest

It was a sunny Spring* day in Melbourne today, with an official maximum of 18 degrees, however it felt warmer in direct sunlight. Several...