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Tag: fake marriage

MSM and SJW’s murder conservative activist

A young man named Wilson Gavin who led a protest against a so-called "drag queen story hour" in Brisbane a couple of days ago...

The TRUE Fake Marriage Agenda Exposed

This video is discussing the Gay Marriage vote and what’s happened in Australia as a direct result of it. The YES side harassed and bullied...

Israel Folau’s fight is a class action for all Christians

The social justice rage mob is so insidious because what they can do to one person sends a message to an entire people. These...

Israel Folau is suing the living crap out of Rugby Australia

Rugby Australia is about to find out that anti-Christian bigotry comes at a cost. $10 million dollars to be precise. From Dumped rugby star Israel...

Israel Folau, Gay Marriage, Bullying of Christians and Free Speech in...

In the lead up to the fake marriage plebiscite, the Yes campaign made three lies which were absolute whoppers: Gay couples are the same...

XYZ Livestream #4 – Gun Control after Florida, Barnaby Joyce, Emma...

In this FAQ Livestream, David Hiscox and Matty's Modern Life discussed: The Florida school shooting, making the case against using the tragedy to push...

Thank you for 10,000 Facebook likes, and for Patreon contributions

It is David Hiscox here, editor of The XYZ. I am writing this post to thank all who have contributed to The XYZ smashing...