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Tag: Europe

Foreigners bring their problems with them

The other day there were slightly more Chinese students outside Melbourne Central Station than usual: I know what you're thinking. Who are these people, where...

Natural Law and the Future of Clownworld

As the West spirals out of control and polarisation continues it is important to remember what matters and to prepare for what’s going to...

Nobody cares if Iran nukes Israel

WARNING: This article contains graphic content. I am supposed to care that Iran might get a nuclear bomb. Tensions had been rising in the region...

The European Union is the Tower of Babel in Genesis

The European Union (EU) is the Tower of Babel of the Story of Genesis in the Christian Bible. It is exactly what God warns...

Quote of the Day: The Salvation of Europe

The Iconoclast has been providing excellent summaries and analysis of events in Europe for the last couple of years, and as Europe becomes more...

Yet another racing driver calls for higher limits on Australian roads

Daniel Ricciardo has given his thoughts on Australian roads vs those in Europe: "FORMULA One star Daniel Ricciardo has called for faster European-style speed zones...

A Grumpy Thought: What if Europeans kept African colonies?

If the UK and France had not given up their African colonies in favour of letting savages rule themselves, would a coalition of African...

Winter is coming Down Under

In a recent email someone accused me of fleeing Australia. I thought that this was a little over the top, but then again the...

Quote of the Day: Evolution Europe

Originally published June 10, 2017. It has been getting quite a lot of attention. Still cutting. This National Geographic cover is fake. But...

Quote of the Day: Things will be what women decide them... The video above is of excellent quality, as is the habit of Black Pigeon Speaks. He summarises how Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orban has...