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Tag: Donald Trump

Michael Moore-ish: “Rich Old White Guy With a Sign” Quote of...

Today's XYZ quote of the day goes to New's columnist Tim Blair. Blair's comments come following activist Michael Moore's 'hash-sign' and media stunt, where he...

Food for thought – TRUMP-eting truth

Over the course of the last week precious little “progressives” across the globe have been vamping up their whining against Presidential candidate Donald Trump...

Straight to the Point: Don’t write off Trump

Almost without exception, the political class, media class, and other assorted cultural elites have mocked, pilloried and scoffed at US Presidential candidate Donald Trump,...

Trump’s an Opportunist: He Ain’t No Conservative

Presidential contender Donald Trump has caused controversy and attracted condemnation (yet again) after he called for a moratorium on Muslim immigration into the United...

Food for thought – Tony calls for common sense to prevail

Today the narrative of David was being throttled by an Islamic loving Goliath (made up of government propagandists, mainstream media misfits and mobilising Leftist...

The era of peak dissonance is over

Marine Le Pen, whose political party, the National Front, just became the biggest political force in France, is representative of the interests and the...

Quote of the Day: Trump – “We have no choice”

Donald Trump may well be as much a political opportunist as he is a conservative, but the Republican frontrunner in the US has made...

Food for thought – Defending the Democratic West

Yesterday National Front Leader, Marine Le Pen, triumphantly declared an electoral win that “without contest” made it “the first party of France". National Front...

Food for thought – LaRouche accepts the Democratic nomination

Yesterday Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and Martin O’Malley were forced to bow out as candidates for the Presidency, after the trio were found involved...

Food for Thought – Little learning at the Lefty flag burning

Yesterday was Australian National Flag Day, which commemorates the first flying of the Australian National Flag in 1901 (symbolizing the Federation of Australia). In my...