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Tag: Covid Tyranny

Rumours Daniel Andrews will QUIT: Will he flee Victoria?

Rumours are swirling today that Daniel Andrews is tired of being a dictator and wants to open a factory in Bangladesh where he will...

Hey Dan: We want Covid Compensation, not Aboriginal Reparations

You know the Voice to Parliament campaign is getting desperate when they roll out the most hated man in Australia to spruik for it: Fresh...

Stoner Sutton Quits to push Climate Hysteria at CSIRO

What a weak, pathetic man: Any regrets answer — JustMe (@AussieVal10) June 9, 2023 Professor Sutton will leave the Department of Health to take up a new...

Covid Tyrant Mark McGowan QUITS

Funny how all these Covid Tyrants who literally made it illegal for us to spend time with our families want to spend more time...

Cost of Living Crisis: Power Bills to rise by 25%

Power bills are set to rise Australia-wide by 20-25% because waterfront property owners’ assets are in danger from sea level rise because people in...

Dictator Dan slugs Victorians to pay Covid Debt

Remember when the government payed everybody to stay home and binge watch zombie shows because of a pandemic which never happened? The older this gets...

Is The Liberal Party Dying?

Apart from Tasmania, every state and territory has a Labor government as does the Federal government. In Victoria last year the Liberals couldn't win...

Aboriginal Street Gangs Wage War On Population

From Cairns News. Vigilantes armed with baseball bats could soon be a familiar sight on the streets of Cairns, Mareeba and Townsville as Labor’s feeble...

Covid – State Sanctioned Mass Murder

At the very beginning of the Covid debacle, I came down hard with a very bad case of the flu. This was while I...

What happened in hospitals during Covid?

From Richardson Post and American Thinker. Stella Paul Hospitals should be places you can trust to provide comfort and healing when you’re most vulnerable. But that...