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Tag: coal

China eases ban on Australian coal imports, but impact will be...

Tyler Durden China has allowed several large coal importers to resume purchases of Australian coal, easing an unofficial ban that has lasted more than two...

Peter Garrett pretends to be upset with Scott Morrison after getting...

In the last month Scott Morrison has given climate extremists and the global elite everything they ever wanted, and betrayed his voters from the...

Sucks to be China: They could really use some of our...

Around the start of the year it looked as though China had pulled off the perfect crime. Infect the rest of the world then...

Extorting the West with the climate change scam

UN bars coal nations from stage at global emissions conference. Australia has been barred from speaking at a UN climate summit in New York next...

Are Blair Cottrell and the United Patriots Front (UPF) really Nazis?

Originally published January 22, 2018. There are few individuals who have been slandered by the media more than Chairman of the United Patriots Front, Blair...

Steven Marshall concedes defeat in 2018 South Australian Election

As a born and bred member of the Blackout State your author likes to be a tad proactive in following South Australian politics and...

Newcastle, the home of coal, moves to divest from coal(?)

Our social and political elites have yet again shown how out of touch they are with the lives of ordinary Australians, and indeed, reality...