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Clownworld turns to Assassination

Openly opposing Clownworld comes at a heavy price. BREAKING: IRAN STATE TV SAYS 'NO SIGN' OF LIFE IN PRESIDENT'S HELICOPTER Source: AFP — Mario Nawfal...

2022 – The Year of Clown World

Buried at the bottom of The Australian’s web page on this last day of the year 2022 is an article titled, “Russian Missiles Rain...

Two fat black chicks win oversized debating trophy by hyperventilating

Somewhere in America, people have let two black chicks think they are smart. They gave them a big trophy, like they are giving an...

Shaming women will now cost you 120K

In the ongoing war between men and women, set up and waged by misandrist harpies whose hobbies include vomiting, mouth breathing and socialism, a...

Natural Law and the Future of Clownworld

As the West spirals out of control and polarisation continues it is important to remember what matters and to prepare for what’s going to...

SPLC Calls Genocide a Myth

The SPLC wouldn’t be good propagandists if they weren’t also experts in the art of gaslighting. For decades, the parasites told us that we would...

Why The Greens Are Watermelons

Normies who are starting to wake up often say: “Leftards are always so hypocritical. We need to educate them with statistics, science, biology and law....

XYZ Live #63 – Gary Ablett Did NOTHING WRONG and other...

On Monday night's livestream, we discussed the possibility that the Israel Folau witch-hunt could spread to the AFL, with Gary Ablett liking that Instagram...

Eggboy SCRAMBLES Justice in Clownworld!

Victoria Police issued Will “Eggboy" Connolly an official caution for hitting elder statesman and elected Senator Fraser Anning in the back of the head...