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Tag: Christchurch

Stop hate speech before it occurs: Pre-crime comes to Victoria

Victorian coppers used to look pretty cool, back in the 1890's. Even in the 1990's they looked respectable. In the current year, well, just shoot me.. But...

XYZ Live #78 – Ohio, Texas, Pauline Hanson and the Great...

Over the last week the US has been rocked by 3 mass shootings. 2 were committed by radical leftists and one by a man...

US mass shootings an escalation of political and ethnic conflict

It is curious that after a period of several days when an extremist leftist and an anti-white terrorist committed seperate mass murders and a...

Sri Lanka bombings retaliation for Christchurch: Never saw it coming

So a white guy allegedly shoots up a mosque in Christchurch, kills 50 muslims. In his manifesto he states that he chose muslim targets...

Scott Morrison calls election for May 18

Scott Morrison has announced that a federal election will be held on May 18. This election could be the most wide open in decades. While...

Fraser Anning STILL did NOTHING WRONG!

The Australian senate recently censured Senator Fraser Anning. They were very upset over some comments he made but didn’t actually articulate why he was...

XYZ Live #61 – Fraser Anning NAILS Scott Morrison and Mark...

The fallout from the Christchurch incident continues. Everything has changed, and it is likely that it will become an event as transformative as 9/11,...

XYZ Live #60 – Alex Mannlet FANTASISES about Blair Cottrell and...

The Australian political-media establishment have been running according to the Rahm Emmanuel playbook this week, in not letting a crisis go to waste. As...

Mainstream Media want Gab BANNED now too!

The MSM and establishment got Blair Cottrell, Neil Erikson and other outside voices banned from Twitter and Facebook for saying things they don’t like,...

Lads Society Media Statement

The Lads Society are a community organisation for European descended Australians, whose goal is to develop the kind of in-group preference networks which exist...