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Tag: Boomers

Politics, Globalists and Division

I have long been aware of the huge political advantages of division and pitting the voting public against each other. While politicians loudly declare...

Covid, the cult of youth, and the Boomers

A recent post at The Orthosphere on the topic of obeying evil governments because that is God’s will, (a ludicrous proposition that would render...

The Anthem of Gen X

A good discussion was had this week over at Vox Day’s site concerning the music that defines Generation X. For the record I am...

Boomers move to France – have no plan

Reader Andrew shared this link that details the truly heartbreaking story of middle-class Australian boomers with not too many brains and even less money,...

The great Boomer plague

My article yesterday about not adding fuel to the fire upset a few people. I assume because I added fuel to the fire. I...

Full Employment – A History

Mark Moncrieff Between 1945 and 1975 in most of the Western world there existed a policy of full employment. What that exactly meant was different...

XYZ Live #80 – Foreigners Protest Foreign Problems and Gen Z...

Topics discussed: Chinese protest against China in multicultural Melbourne (featuring our best Chinese accents). The Guardian correctly diagnoses that Australians' wages and standard of...