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Tag: Barnaby Joyce

AnAl roped in Shaq because he’s black

A few days ago Prime Minister AnAl wheeled out some cast members from Amazon’s Lord of the Rings’ hack job to flog plans to create...

Barnaby Joyce is right: Scott Morrison is a liar

To the surprise of nobody, it turned out that Barnaby Joyce, the leader of the National Party and Deputy Prime Minister of Australia, called...

Barnaby Joyce Surrenders Australia to Environmental Extremism

Some time in the last month or so, the Australian government under Liberal Party Prime Minister Scott Morrison decided that Australia should destroy its...

Barnaby Joyce Saves Australia From Environmentalist INSANITY

Good news everybody, we have just raced past Israel’s percentage of people who have had their first jab. In your face, jews. The bad news is...

The Uncuckables Ep. 20: RatWorld

Our attention is being drawn back to the US as it gears up for another Presidential election: Donald Trump's comments on rat infested Baltimore. ...

XYZ Livestream #4 – Gun Control after Florida, Barnaby Joyce, Emma...

In this FAQ Livestream, David Hiscox and Matty's Modern Life discussed: The Florida school shooting, making the case against using the tragedy to push...

Joyce ruling could change everything in an instant

The High Court has issued its verdict on the dual-citizenship plight of National Party MP and leader Barnaby Joyce, declaring he was ineligible for...

Blame Pauline! Australian Media Unwittingly Creates a Folk Hero

In a breathtaking leap of logic, the Canberra Times blamed Barnaby Joyce's plans to relocate a government department to his on electorate on none...