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Tag: Ayers Rock

Fraser Island “renamed” to K’goonawarrabiggapoontang

Let’s make this clear from the outset. Fraser Island has not been “renamed”. The Marxist Regime ruling Queensland has decided to call Fraser Island...

ScoMo scolded for failing to attend ritual humiliation at Ayers Rock

The far left has twisted itself in tight circles of cognitive dissonance trying to deal with the fact that so many white people actually...

The Uncuckables Ep. 23: King of the News

Richard Woolstencroft of MUFF and Australian Meditations joined us last night as we discussed the following topics: Does Donald Trump genuinely believe that Jews...

XYZ Live #76 – Waleed Aly Gaslights Australia on Adam Goodes

Bradley from the Australian Protectionist Party joined us last night as we discussed the week of virtue signalling on aboriginal issues. Topics discussed: The...

Pauline Hanson wants Ayers Rock to Stay OPEN

The climb at Ayers Rock (known by some as “Uluru”) is set to be closed in October of this year, however not everyone is...

Why is there no disabled access to the top of Ayers...

Ayers Rock is a big clump of rock in the middle of the Australian desert that is so big, it looks like a skin...

ABC Propaganda and the 1960’s Ayers Rock Tea Towel – How...

The ABC recently produced another piece of anti-Australian propaganda discussing an Ayers Rock tea-towel from the 1960s, and their conclusion is exactly what you’d...

The view from Ayers Rock

Ayers Rock was discovered by William Gosse on 19 July 1873 and is named after the then Chief Secretary of South Australia, Sir Henry...