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Why Leftards Hate Queensland

As the leftards reeled with frustration and anguish after losing the federal election to the fully cucked conservatives they began to look around for...

The Polls are Rigged

Remember this? “If we continue with Mr Abbott as prime minister, it is clear enough what will happen. He will cease to be prime minister...

WHY did Scott Morrison WIN and WHAT does it mean for...

The count is in and Scott Morrison has won the 2019 Australian Federal Election with many comparing it to Trumps win in 2016. Bill Shorten...

Drinking Lefty Tears after 2019 Aussie Election!

The 2019 Australian Federal election is over and the Liberal National Coalition won. This goes against every single poll prediction and those who wanted...

The Surrender of Chisholm

It has been a beautiful few days since Saturday's federal election drinking the sweet tears of leftie anguish at the shock loss of the...

Preferences and the Liberal Party

Senator Fraser Anning Many people have been asking me why my I am recommending that my supporters give their preferences to the Liberal Party when...