Scientists warn record breaking El Niño will kill us all!
A bearded scientist, who has been in regular contact with The XYZ, has told us that he and his colleagues are expecting a record breaking El Niño over the Pacific Ocean this summer:
'All our...
Abbott sacking causing Liberal Party Exodus
Reports have come in that hundreds of Liberal Party branch members have resigned, have sent letters refusing to work on election campaigns, and have even threatened to join or create alternative political parties in...
Sombrero wearing racists exposed
So I was caught walking through the University campus in my city wearing a French beret... I know, what a callous racist pig I am, to be shamelessly appropriating the culture of the French...
Quote of the Day: Merkel says multicultural society has failed
The XYZ Quote of the Day goes to Angela Merkel, who's words we are quoting from this report by BBC news:
"We kidded ourselves a while, we said: 'They won't stay, sometime they will be...
Back to the Future – Jeremy Corbyn to party like it’s 1985
We at XYZ always suspected Jeremy Corbyn was yesterday's man, but we were more inclined to think summer of love ca. 1968 than the height of the "greed is good era" ca. 1985. But...
Second thoughts on Liberty
I wanted to add some thoughts following up on an article by my friend Keating which we published yesterday, entitled: Twits tweeting away Liberty.
Keating observed that "At the core of liberty is an oft...
Cultural diversity for thee, not for me
Point Piper residents were given a little taste of cultural diversity last Sunday, 27 September.
Parts of the small, overwhelmingly upper-middle-aged, two-thirds atheistic or Christian population were petitioned by the Party for Freedom to demand...
Football Fan sues Catholic Church for public shame and humiliation
Since we're doing offence and humiliation in such a big way now, I've decided to make a claim myself under a little known clause of my State's anti-discrimination legislation.
I have the misfortune to be...
Liberty, and Rappin’ about lootin’
Pondering as one is wont to do as one's mind follows a thread of thought, the realisation hit me that I am not sure where the people these days go to open their mind,...
Ben Shapiro video: The Myth of the Tiny Radical Muslim Minority
Ben Shapiro, from Truth Revolt, cuts through the argument that it is only a tiny minority within Islam who holds extremist views. He made this video in October 2014, in response to the televised...