Fight to Survive or Die Trying
The New South Wales Police force in Australia has dumped its "contain and negotiate" approach to terrorism, a policy which has been in place for two decades, said Acting Police Commissioner, Nick Kaldas.
The new...
Churchill on Islam
Sir Winston Churchill knew the Islamic world, as a journalist, a soldier, and statesman. In his 1899 book 'The River War,' Churchill made some comments on Islam that only enhance his reputation as a...
Q&A Disgrace (again)
Minutes into the program and former United Nations official (of course) Andrew MacLeod can't resist a cheap shot at former Prime Minister, declaring "it's not the time for slogans" as he adds, which is...
Dear Terrorists: “We Are Not Afraid”
Over the last few days, thousands have gathered in cities around the world, standing in defiance of Friday's terrorist attack in France. The French people and those around the world have shown that they...
IS cowards shot the disabled first
What despicable cowards the Paris terrorists are (were). As eye witness accounts of the horror inflicted on those inside the Bataclan theatre last Friday evening begin to be published, it has emerged that wheelchair...
Quote of the Day: Voltaire on the Koran
The XYZ Quote of the Day for Monday, November 16 goes to Voltaire for comments made a very long time ago regarding the Koran:
“The Koran teaches fear, hatred, contempt for others, murder as a...
A place for non-Muslims
Can there be one place in the world, anywhere, for people who do not want to have anything to do with Islam, to go? If such a place existed, millions from around the world...
Quote of the Day: Take it from someone who knows
In the wake of the Paris Terror Attack II, the usual suspects are lining up to appease.
Quote of the Day goes to someone who has seen this sort of thing, lived this sort of...
Innocent Muslims and the Battle of Ideas
The internet is full of tidbits like this, rather typical after an Islamic terrorist attack. "Did you hear about the Muslim security guard who saved hundreds of innocent lives during last night's attack in...
Poland Invaded – Chamberlain vows “pitiless war” against Violent Extremists
It can now be confirmed that Poland has suffered thousands of casualties over the last couple of days, as a result of its being invaded. British Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain, has vowed to launch...