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In Memoriam: Theodore J. Kazcynski

The Industrial Revolution and its consequences are a disaster for the human race. This article is not a long-winded elegy on the life of Dr. Kazcynski, but rather a re-emphasis on the fundamental ideals that...

Dutton: Ditch Voice Referendum

Peter Dutton has called it and he’s spot on. The “voice” is toast: From the New Daily: Peter Dutton has launched an extraordinary attack on the Indigenous Voice, again urging Prime Minister Anthony Albanese to call...

Did Jesus Jerk Off?

On my piece about sex as a pathway to demonic possession there were a few comments from protestant readers who took exception to my claim that masturbation is a sin. I’ve been a born-again Christian...

Covid Vaccine Killed Shane Warne: According to President of Australian Medical Professionals Society

Several highly credentialed doctors are connecting the death of cricket legend Shane Warne to the Covid vaccine. XYZ News was right. From the Daily Sceptic: Leading doctors have concluded that the death of legendary Australian cricketer...

Pro-Paedo Bookshop, Rabble Books & Games in Perth, Hosts Grooming Event

The City of Bayswater in Perth, Western Australia, gave the green light for degenerate performance artist “Cougar Morrison” to teach children to trust homosexual pederasts at Maylands library last Saturday. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2ZIyjmYVKwA&pp=ygUYTWF5bGFuZHMgbGlicmFyeSBwcm90ZXN0 Some call the event “Drag...

Shutting Down Drag Queens and Aboriginal Voice Getting Wrecked, With Stephen Wells

The gents discuss the latest protest against child grooming in Western Australia. They also dive into the unravelling case for an Aboriginal Voice to Parliament and how Labor have successfully diverted attention away from David...

The unbelievable housing hypocrisy of the Teals

From MacroBusiness. Leith van Onselen Recall that the Teal federal member for Wentworth (capturing Sydney’s wealthy eastern suburbs), Allegra Spender, penned two articles last year demanding a big lift in immigration, while also contradictorily demanding lower...

Voice to Parliament will BREAK UP Australia

Yesterday a bill to hold the referendum on the so-called aboriginal “voice to parliament” passed through parliament in Canberra. While the Prime Minister crowed at his easy legislative success, support for the voice is...

How Canberra will hide the Aussie recession

From MacroBusiness. David Llewellyn-Smith Did it happen if a tree fell in the woods but no one was around to hear it? More crucially, did an economy contract in the midst of a growing population? This dilemma is...

Conservative Judges Are Overturning Bans On “Trans” Mutilation and Drag Queen Strip Shows

From National Justice Party. Joseph Jordan The conservative movement has in the last two years seemingly embraced the fight against transsexual ideology. The issue has saturated right-wing media, often at the expense of other pertinent issues...