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When Russia Begins, the World Will Hold its Breath

A quick update on my blogroll links. Gone are Larry Johnson and Andrei Martyanov. The former because once a CIA spook then always a CIA spook. The latter because while he does occasionally have...

Why we need a proper inquiry into Australia’s Covid response

Cliff Reece The Albanese government’s current so-called “independent” inquiry into the Commonwealth government’s COVID-19 response has been widely criticised as being inadequate. Its terms of reference explicitly exclude it from examining “any actions taken unilaterally by...

Individual versus Community

This post from Simplicius examines the greener pastures of less developed countries in comparison to the stifling regulations and social pressures of a modern Western country such as the United States. Reflecting more deeply, one...

Dave Pellowe vows to fight Human Rights Commission over Welcome To Country

UPDATE: To read Dave Pellowe’s direct response to the false allegations against him, you can read his post at the Richardson Post here. The Lying Press would have us believe “our democracy” is under threat...

Dutton is almost right about Gaza Refugees

It’s the same old trick. Look tough Islamic terror, as long as hundreds of thousands keep pouring into Australia from every other point on the map: Opposition leader Peter Dutton has called for a complete...

Breaking the cringe ceiling

I look back fondly on my own breakdancing days. I’d spin and pop to the encouragement of the crowd. I’d hear the roar as I went up on my head, at least in my head....

Men, protect your women

In my post this week discussing the fact that women are not warriors, I neglected to discuss a salient point. Women not only are not warriors, they are largely incapable of any form of...

Welcome the Warmth

At dawn today (30th July) mid-winter in sunny Queensland, it was zero degrees on the lawn outside our kitchen and the small water tub for our chooks was iced over. Every morning, as soon as...

Women are not Warriors

I have noted that a female boxer got beaten up rather quickly by another boxer who may or may not be female, it’s so hard to tell these days. Remember folks, it was the...

A Pilot Plant for Net Zero

Both solar and wind energy have fatal flaws – solar stops when the sun goes down or if a cloud blocks the sun; wind fails if the wind is too strong or too weak....