Tucker Carlson: “I was mauled by a demon”


Tucker Carlson has this week come out with his most confronting and riveting interview to date.

I know that’s a big call for the man who’s interviewed Putin, Trump and UFO witnesses.

This time, though, it wasn’t Tucker doing the interviewing. Instead, he gave an interview for an upcoming documentary about Orthodox Christianity called Christianities.

In the interview, Tucker revealed that, about 18 months ago, he was mauled at night by an unseen entity that left claw marks on his sides that bled onto the sheets and left scars still visible today.

Check it out.

I believe Tucker. Not just because, for a journalist and public figure such as Tucker credibility is everything, but because I’ve also experienced demons.

I’ve met many believing Christians who have, or who have at least encountered the supernatural. It’s not something you talk about to non-Christians, though, for obvious reasons. Christian wackadoodle stories about demons and miracles tend to be barbecue killers in the secularised, materialist West.

There are even certain churches that you wouldn’t bring such stories up in. It’ll get you flagged as a bit of whacko—one of those loons who take the Bible just a bit too seriously.

But demons are real. From my experience and research, I believe they can be encountered for several different reasons.

Usually, demons leave non-believers alone. The kingdom of darkness isn’t interested in people who aren’t interested in Jesus. Demons are just happy to influence non-believers into trick-or-treating with their kids, watching horror movies and porn and getting high occasionally. That suits them fine.

Demons can be encountered more openly as a result of witchcraft, though, which may well be the case with Tucker, given how many powerful servants of darkness he would have triggered over the years with the way he calls out nonsense.

Demonic activity can occur as a result of certain activities, such as drug-taking or sexual impropriety. It seems trauma can open someone up to demonic oppression, too.

There is also an element of territoriality with demons. Whenever my wife and I have moved house, we’ve encountered strange noises and occurrences that will persist for a while until finally the things leave. Our understanding is that previous activity, such as abuse, death or occult practices, may give entities permission to attach themselves to a location.

In our current house, I had a direct, personal encounter about two weeks after we moved in. At around 3 am I woke up suddenly to a loud sound outside and the dogs bolting away from outside our bedroom door. Typical useless beagles. I was all of a sudden very awake, and I saw a black, floating entity rush past my side of the bed toward the wall. I could tell it was angry. It was like a humanoid made out of black smoke.

As I mentioned, this wasn’t my first encounter. I told my wife in the morning, and she rather casually replied that we should pray before we go to bed that night. She’s done missionary work among headhunter tribes in Borneo, so my experience wasn’t very impressive.

Even many Christians these days don’t have a very good understanding of what demons are. Most Christians will say something like, ‘Er, well, they’re evil angels, I guess’. Some might even believe they’re ghosts. That’s not what the early church universally believed.

The Jews of Jesus’ day and the early church during the centuries after his death all understood that demons are the bastard spirits of giants who lived on the earth before the Flood. Genesis 6, Jude and 2 Peter all refer to the events outlined in 1 Enoch: that 200 angels rebelled sometime after the Fall in Eden, came down to earth and had children with human women. The resulting giants terrorised humanity until finally God destroyed them in the Flood.

Giants carried on in small groups after the Flood, but never to the same extent. They were in Palestine when Joshua led the Israelites into the land. David and his buddies hunted them. Goliath was one of the last.

The ministry of Jesus in casting out these unclean spirits can then be understood in the context of God finally completing the cleansing of the land begun at the Flood.

The most dangerous encounter I’ve had with a demon was in our previous house. There was a reason it had permission to come after me, but needless to say, it had been messing with us for the better part of a year.

Things came to a head one morning when I was getting ready to use an electric paint spray gun to paint our rear fence. When I went to get the paint materials ready, I noticed something very odd.

I’d bought some paint stripper for a small job about two weeks prior and had put the tin back in a sealed storage container on the back deck. No one had been anywhere near the container since I’d put it away. When I opened up that storage container to retrieve some other materials that morning, I noticed that the tin of paint stripper had been crushed.

This brand of paint stripper comes in a very thick tin. It’s not like a Coke can, however something had grabbed hold of that tin and crushed it like it was made of paper. No human hand would have been able to do that.

I’d already used the spray paint gun a few days prior, and when I went to use the spray gun that day, nothing would come out. I kept the trigger activated when I noticed what felt like pins going into my feet. I was wearing thongs and was standing next to a metal garden bed. I mentioned what was happening to my wife.

She does science better than me, and she immediately realised I was being electrocuted, but the charge couldn’t ground properly enough to shock me. I quickly dropped the gun. If I had touched the Colorbond garden bed or the grass had been wetter, it could’ve been a hospital trip or worse.

I knew straight away this was a demonic attack, and when later that day we prayed and I repented of a sin committed a year before, the atmosphere of oppression and difficulty ceased. We experienced breakthrough with a number of things that had been bearing us down that year.

This is the authentic Christian life, and it’s not uncommon for believers to have stories like this. We just don’t talk about them unless to other believers because we don’t want to be called wackadoodles.

I keep the tin on my bookcase as a reminder to take spiritual protection seriously. And to not be naughty.

The tin uncrushed by human hands.

It does seem that more and more people in the West are beginning to take metaphysical evil more seriously. We’re now a society in which children are being mutilated due to identity dysphoria, white populations are being actively repressed and replaced by their own governments and perversion is becoming normalised.

Tucker’s experiences have made him begin to read the Bible in earnest for himself. Interestingly, he’s not looking for pastors to explain it to him. He’s reading it for himself.

If this growing understanding of the reality of metaphysical evil leads people to repentance and faith, then we may be living through a period of spiritual renewal. The demons have run amok for too long, as have their minions.

Demons don’t like to be noticed. They’d prefer to stay unseen in order to carry out their agenda of leading humans away from God.

If they’re showing themselves, that’s a good sign. The times are dark, but the cliche about it being darkest before the dawn is still true.

Maybe dawn is finally here.

Originally published at Ponerologist.