Milo is Coming

Taylor Swift photo
This is Taylor Swift.  Because we can.  Photo by david_shankbone

Editor: There may be some confusion for readers searching for information about Milo’s upcoming Troll Academy Tour which is coming to Australia in December 2017.  Information about the 2017 tour can be found here.  This article you are reading now was written in anticipation of a tour in 2016, before it was cancelled amid a little stir.

Australia has been graced by the presence of two blonde, gay-icons of the alt-right this past week, with the luscious Taylor Swift accompanying her boyfriend Tom Hiddleston to a film set in Queensland, and the brilliant Milo Yiannopoulos being interviewed by Andrew Bolt on Sky News on Monday night.

The interview, in what is already being dubbed “The Conversation of the Titans,” has invigorated many opposed to the PC “progressive” agenda in Australia. The biggest news to emerge from this interview was that Milo is planning to bring his Dangerous Faggot tour, which has scandalised university colleges across the US, downunder, hopefully before the end of next year.

Milo has shown considerable fortitude in speaking across the US, challenging politically correct speech suppression, and in so doing, facing violent intimidation by Black Lives Matter activists at DePaul University. He has also displayed a keen insight into the power of symbolism – none more profound than the way he led his audience to chalk slogans across Emory University after “the chalkening” – an incident where student activists claimed that pro-Trump slogans which had been chalked across campus had made them feel unsafe and hurt. Milo understood how serious such a trivial incident could become if it was allowed to suppress speech, and thus led a mass revolt against it, leading his audience out onto the campus to chalk whatever they wanted.

Milo’s presence is just what Australia’s Cultural Marxist-controlled universities need. Undoubtedly, his tour would be met with similar scenes to when conservative politicians are invited to attend university campuses here, but if power is ever to be wrested back from the campus socialists, it is a political battle which must be fought.

Milo said that if you want his tour to come to your university, you can contact his team. (You can contact them here). If you want to see Milo come to Australia, let us know via our viewer poll.

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