Food for thought – God save Australia

Cartoon by Ryan Fletcher
Cartoon by Ryan Fletcher

Like many common-sense conservative Australians I am sick and tired of where our country is being led by these globalist quislings infecting our establishment. Under the guise of “social betterment” these cronies of the rainbow coalition, the multiculturalism/cultural-relativism industry and the eco-femo-race baiting leftist cadres have gained control of the national narrative.

This revulsion of sovereignty is best observed via our forever and a day immigration, outsourcing of domestic employment overseas and largescale foreign ownership of Australian property. Our constitutional monarchy is a target by rabid republicans who have more faith in career politicians than our Queen.

Insidious theoreticians that invoke gender, race, sexual orientation and the assorted “oppressed” minorities seek to destroy the white heterosexual male influence they term as the “oligarchical patriarchy”.

Meanwhile intergenerational indoctrination continues to occur where our youth are being reared on curriculums whose narrative is apologetic regarding the civilising force that is Western Judeo-Christian culture. This influence is causing our youth to become obsessed with self-loathing suicidally defeatist attitudes with regards to their blessings in life.

These mistakes which have been allowed to occur for decades must stop!

Australians need to strive to be great by improving their self-respect and individual worth. We must individually set ourselves a purpose which makes us productive human beings to the society of which we are a part. Aspire to have a passion for a skill, trade or discipline so you have a reason to get up in the morning and a personal drive to imbue yourself with an expertise.

Set yourself goals in life, and see to it that you accomplish them. Give back to the community by getting involved in real worthwhile projects for development. Take pride in yourself, and strive for higher standards rather than compromising your principles. Be the best you can be, by exercising, eating well and reading widely.

Be versed in your history so you’re not condemned to repeat its mistakes. Confront those who would seek to draw others into counter-productive activities. You’re the future so be sure you know the trajectory which you strive for.

Food for thought.