Covid Cop Quits


Shane Patton, who headed Victoria Police during the disgraceful Covid lockdowns, has quit. The XYZ cannot confirm reports that he skipped away crying from his office singing “nobody likes me/ everybody hates me/ guess I’ll go and eat worms”.

From their ABC:

Victoria Police Chief Commissioner Shane Patton has resigned and will depart from his role immediately.

The outgoing commissioner said in a statement on Sunday evening that “given the current circumstances surrounding my position, I have decided to step away from the role effective immediately”.

“It is with a heavy heart that I have made this decision, however I think it is the right one to allow fresh leadership in the role,” he said.

Commissioner Patton’s role grew increasingly uncertain following a resounding vote of no-confidence by officers on Friday, despite being expected to continue into a second five-year term as the state’s police chief.

It followed a protracted pay dispute between the Police Association of Victoria (TPAV) and the state government….

TPAV chief executive officer Wayne Gatt remained resolute there needed to be a fresh start for Victoria Police….

He said a chief commissioner needed to make police members feel confident their managers backed them, make improvements to the culture within the force as well as the health, safety and wellbeing of officers, speed up recruitment and improve efficiencies that were making it difficult for officers to keep the community safe.

As usual, the piffle from the left stream media deliberately obfuscates the severe problems crippling Victoria Police. Officers cannot keep the community safe because neither the police force nor the government is prepared to talk about race. In 2018, Patton’s predecessor claimed that the solution to the African Gang crisis was to stop people talking about it.

The solution to African gangs terrorising Melbourne is to crack down on far-right racial hatred

Nothing has changed.

African Gang Rampage days after African Gangs vow revenge for murder of African Gang member by African Gangs: Police Baffled

Patton became Chief Commissioner of Victoria Police in 2020. Victoria Police quickly became a byword for Covid Tyranny.

…..aaaaand Rainbow Tyranny.

Victorian Christian Policeman Persecuted for stating “There are 2 Genders”

Victoria Police is haemorrhaging officers because nobody wants to be a police officer in Victoria anymore. It will take at least a generation before anybody takes them seriously again, and its leadership and much of its membership during the lockdowns must be prosecuted for war crimes.

It is worth noting how transient and brittle the edifice of Covid Tyranny really was. For a time it felt as though it would never end, now everybody wants to pretend it never happened.

Practically all its enforcers have run away squealing – Dan Andrews, Captain Crazy Eyes, Scott “I can’t do anything about the states, I’m just the Prime Minister” Morrison, Jacinta “the government is your sole source of truth” Ardern, President Poopy Pants, the Cackle Demon, countless British Prime Ministers – they’re all gone.

For two years every news channel bleated every day about new positive Covid tests, scaring all the children and keeping families apart. Then Putin invaded the Ukraine and cured Covid, then Trump got elected and cured war in the Ukraine, and placed a crazy Covid conspiracy theorist at the head of the Department of Health, replacing a man who dressed as a woman.

The point is, the media is a joke, Clownworld’s power rests on sand, and the fake reality imposed on us in the present can be swept away in an instant by those who are brave enough to tell the truth.

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