Sex with Demons


Frank Wright has written a concise summation of the current evil that is pornography in a piece titled,“Consumed by Sin”. Porn is free which means that the consumer is the product. In this case, the product is to push sin. Any sin will do as long as it breaks the 6th or 9th commandments. Sins that involve sex.

I have written about porn before, firstly when I noticed that the System goes into a panic when men band together to resist masturbation. And then when I called out the falsity that this is a porn problem; it’s not a porn problem, it’s a jerking off problem. Don’t misunderstand me; porn is still deeply, deeply wrong and a terrible sin, but it is the needle and the self abuse is the heroin.

Okay, so nothing new so far. But it was a comment on his piece by Frank that got me thinking about how sex has been perverted and what it might really mean. His comment was the following:

“I’m in the “masturbation is sex with demons” camp.”

That’s a very simple yet powerful way of putting it. And it goes to the heart of the problem. But to get there, let’s back up a little.

Sex is a gift given to us by God, with which we can participate in Divine creation. In that perfect scenario, a husband and wife bound together in Holy matrimony, bring forth new life into the world by joining with God in His creation. In this sense, sex is good, beautiful and true.

But anything of a sexual nature outside this Covenant risks omitting God by varying degrees. A man and a woman who are not married who have sex and bring new life into the world have still in a sense participated with God, but it probably does not have His blessing. I say probably, because only God knows for sure in cases like this, and I do not wish to overstep boundaries in this regard.

But other cases are much more clear. A man and a woman having sex but using some form of contraception have deliberately omitted God from the proceedings. If God is cast out, then what takes His place? It can’t be a vacuum, although I am sure that there are a great many people who wish that to be the case. So if God isn’t there, then something or someone else in the spiritual realm is.

This is where the comment that masturbation is sex with demons really hits home. Because it’s on the money; it’s true. Homosexual acts must be sex with demons also, although a great saint remarked that the homosexual act is so foul that even demons will flee in its presence. The making of and viewing of pornography must also fall into the sex with demons camp. People, if you have omitted God from a proceeding, don’t be surprised when something else takes His place.

That’s the why the System is aghast when people rally together to resist one of its great forms of control. If masturbation is sex with demons then it is spiritual death. Which is another way of saying a mortal sin. Something that needs to be confessed to a real priest who gives out real penance. Feel the spiritual weight lift off your shoulders.

When you find yourself about to be overcome by a potential sin against the 6th or 9th Commandments, just remind yourself that you are about to have sex with demons. It’s the spiritual version of a very cold shower.

Originally published at Pushing Rubber Downhill. You can purchase Adam’s books here.